

We held our annual State of the School event last night. It is a festive evening where parents, 监护人, 老师, 员工们聚在一起建立社会联系,听听学校的情况. 这是我最喜欢的部分, 除了沼泽猫乐队的精彩表演——我们精选的爵士组合——还回答了来自bbin娱乐平台家庭的问题. The questions were not about any individual student, but instead telegraphed an interest in the success of the institution. The spirit behind several of the questions was explicitly about how parents can help. 学生有什么样的社会创业机会,家长如何打开更多的大门? As the school builds more partnerships in the City of Boston, what role can parents who live in Boston play? This school is fortunate to have such dedicated and generous families. 每年都有几十个... 更多的

Major Lydia Hill ’11 Receives Distinguished 校友 Award

bbin娱乐平台很高兴向Lydia Hill少校颁发2024-2025杰出校友奖,以表彰她在美国空军的服务以及她代表LGBTQIA飞行员的倡导. 这个年度奖项, 2022年发射, 该奖项授予最能体现我校价值观并运用这些品质对社区和周围世界产生影响的校友. Nominations for the award are solicited from the entire alumni community, and recipients are selected by the bbin娱乐平台 校友 Council. 希尔少校于2011年毕业于北航,随后进入美国空军学院学习, where she received her commission in 2015 as a distinguished graduate. Major Hill left her own legacy at USAFA, founding the Spectrum Alliance for LGBTQIA cadets, 哪一个到今天还在运作. Major Hill has worked with KC-135s and F-16s as an Aircraft Maintenance Officer, 曾担任翼行政主任, 更多的

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本周早些时候, I spent three days visiting a peer school and leading a committee of educators from around New England tasked with evaluating that school for reaccreditation; all independent schools in our region go through a process like this periodically. 对我们这些来访的人来说, 这是一个很好的机会,让我们沉浸在另一所学校的文化中,并向优秀的同龄人学习. For me, this visit was special in another way. 客队的一名成员是我高中时最喜欢的老师之一. 除了我的父母, he was probably the biggest influence on how I grew up and on the person I’ve become. He is a big reason I became a teacher. 多年来,我们一直保持着联系,主要是我向他征求意见. I have just recently made the transition to calling him... 更多的

bbin娱乐平台 Seniors Earn National Merit Honors

波士顿大学学院2025届有34%的学生在第70届年度国家优秀奖学金项目竞赛中获得认可. 该竞赛旨在表彰全国的学术冠军,并表彰全国高中毕业生的杰出学术前景. Seventeen current bbin娱乐平台 seniors were named National Merit Commended Scholars. 在这17位获奖学者中, five bbin娱乐平台 seniors were named National Merit Semifinalists, 在所有参加比赛的美国高中毕业生中名列前1%. / (1.在21世纪有300万青少年,通过参加2023年初步SAT/国家优秀奖学金资格考试(PSAT/NMSQT), 000所高中进入2025年国家优秀奖学金计划。. 全国范围内的半决赛选手包括每个州得分最高的选手. Semifinalists will have the opportunity to compete for one of 2,500国家功绩$25,000年奖学金. National Merit Scholar finalists will be announced in February of 2025.  bbin娱乐平台 2025级的一名成员获得了美国大学理事会国家认可计划的荣誉... 更多的

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Ada '25 shares a recap of the bbin娱乐平台 Cross Country team's race on October 1, 2024: The cross country team crushed another hilly race at BISB this past Tuesday! The course started with an uphill battle, leading the runners into a partially wooded trail, and eventually back onto a pavement stretch. In honor of the course’s three laps, I’d like to give three special shoutouts. 第一个, 祝贺大一新生,玛雅28, 詹姆斯28, 尼尔的28, 乔纳森的28, and Yusuf '28 for showing up and putting their all into this race! Their hard work this season shone through in their fierce starts, and their cheers for one another kept them going throughout the course. Second, a special shoutout to Daphne ’25 for an especially strong finish. Coming into the final stretch of the race, Daphne was neck and neck with another runner—with a final pump to the gas, 她飞快地奔向教堂... 更多的


最近,我有幸为一位外出的老师报道了一节11年级的英语课. The teacher had left behind a great lesson; in his absence, 他让学生们讨论他准备的几个与《BBIN集团官方网站》章节有关的问题. 时间飞逝. 学生们——没有这位前历史老师的指导,只是顺便澄清了一下加尔文主义——围绕着椭圆形的桌子展开了一场不停的、充满活力的对话. 他们指出文本中的特定语言来支持他们的论点——在一个事实似乎不重要的时代,这令人耳目一新. 他们以彼此的观点为基础. 他们互相问了一些问题:“你们是如何理解叙述者对 . . . .” When they challenged one another, they did so with respect: “I didn’t see that. 你选了这一章的什么地方... 更多的


在大多数早晨, 我站在学校的大门口,叫出学生的名字,和他们碰拳打招呼. 一个新生问我为什么这么做. There are a lot of reasons, and I thought it might help to share them with all of you. 为一个, 早上可能会很有压力, particularly on days when the MBTA is cranky and traffic is bad. 学生们背负着这种压力, 伴随着预期的压力,无论测试,测验,游戏,音乐会,或可能到来的那一天. 我的希望是一个温暖, 在进门之前,来自成年人的人际关系可以降低心率,提高精神. There’s something psychologically important about being seen, 被叫到名字, 作为个体受到欢迎. 在一天开始的时候,这种仪式的一致性让人感到安慰. 更多的


High school is a critical time to practice independence and learn responsibility, including the responsibility to use technology the right way. 我们的学生值得我们信任. 同时, 我们知道,手机和相关的应用程序是为了保持注意力和上瘾而设计的. The research about teens and cell phone use, recently summarized and popularized in Jonathan Haidt’s book The Anxious Generation, makes a compelling case that even the most mature, 订婚了, 善意的年轻人可能会努力限制手机和社交媒体的使用,这可能会损害他们的学习和社交情绪健康. bbin娱乐平台 classes have long been a place of deep, face-to-face engagement between peers and between students and 老师. 为了纪念这一传统,我们今年创造了一个没有手机的教室环境. Students now place their phones in a cell-phone caddy at the start of each class. 在此期间,手机会留在那里... 更多的

On Civil Discourse: 校长 Chris Kolovos Delivers Opening-of-Term Address

周二, 9月3日, 2024, 波士顿大学学院 校长 Chris Kolovos welcomed students, 教师, and staff back to school with opening remarks on the topic of 民间话语. Read the full text of his remarks below. 早上好. 我谨代表全体教职员工,欢迎大家来到波士顿大学学院第32届.  A special welcome to our new students. 你们都是令人印象深刻的人, 但把你们凝聚在一起,把你们和我们所有人联系在一起的是你们的善良和好奇心. You will make us better, and we are so glad you're here. 2025届的同学们,欢迎回来. We had some fun together at the senior retreat. 今年你将为我们所有人定下基调,我们对你的领导感到兴奋. 说到高年级学生, in a few moments I will have the pleasure of introducing Alex Furman, 你的学生会主席. 之前... 更多的



周一, 5月20日, 2024, 波士顿大学学院在波士顿大学蔡表演中心举办了第30届毕业典礼. bbin娱乐平台 2024届毕业生上台接受校长Chris Kolovos和副校长Rosemary White颁发的毕业证书. Ibukun Owolabi '24 and Anais Kim '24 delivered the student addresses; Olga Meserman '24 and Elizabeth Brown '24 recited the Classics orations in Latin and Greek, 分别. 毕业典礼结束后,毕业生和他们的家人在波士顿大学海滩举行了庆祝招待会. 波士顿大学 President ad interim Kenneth W. Freeman delivered this year's 毕业典礼 keynote address. 弗里曼校长用他40年的商业生涯给我们的毕业生传授了一些人生经验, remarking: "I have three messages for you. If you adopt them as part of your toolkit, you'll make a difference in the world; you'll enjoy your life personally and professionally; and you can do so with a... 更多的

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